Written Communication Etiquette
1. Think first
- Before sending an e-mail or a message, ask if it is necessary
- Can the message be best relayed via email, phone, Slack, or in person?
- When sending a message, be sure to check the recipients and make sure only the necessary parties receive your response
3. Bottom Line Up Front
- Put your recommendation at the top to facilitate rapid decision making
4. Be succinct by using numbered bullet points
- Two or more items should always be numbered, not bulleted
5. Subject lines must be clear and explicit with key action words
- Subject line is either “FYI” or “Action Required” — help your team differentiate based on priority
- All “Action Required” emails should specify a completion date and time
- Break e-mail into multiple paragraphs (when needed). Include “Objective,” “Next
Steps,” so that the readers know what you are trying to relay
6. Attachments
- When sending attachments, consider file formats so recipients can view the files without formatting issues (e.g., PDF)
7. E-mail signatures
- Set your email signature on desktop and phone to reflect the team’s format