参考测验指示 参考考试样本


  • 考试的目的是用实际面准确的测量实力,题目跟工作上的应用类似。
  • 你的考试成就会决定你的职位与薪资范围。
  • 越多可完整使用的功能,分数越高。


  1. 速度. 多快速能架构好有各功能的网页?
  2. 品质. 其他工程师很容易了解并维修你写的程式码?


  1. 你的 web URL。
    1. 网页是否可以使用,功能规格是依照指示。
    2. 实际做出来的项目少,但品质好。
  2. 你的 GitHub/GitLab Git Commits(以后申请工作可使用)
    1. 我们会以你的 GitHub/GitLab 上的 git commit 上传程式码时间来检查考试期间内是否完成。
    2. 你的第一个 commit 应该在考试开始时。应该是几乎空白,只有基本的程式码,一些简单网页的架构设置。
    3. 你应该大概每30分钟 commit 一次,总共大约5个 commits。
    4. 你在 2.5 小时里,需要用你的 commits 来显示你的进度。你最后的 commit 不应该包含全部或大部分的程式码。


  • 满分是每项功能最多分。
    • 每题的满分数都会直接写在考卷上。测验当天才会知道。
    • 越难越长的考题,满分会越多。
  • 分数百分比是依照每项功能的实做品质。
    • 每个项目我们会个0%到100%的分数。
    • 0%是最低的分数, 100%是最高的分数。
  • 总分 = (满分) x (分数百分比)
    • 我们把每项功能加起来达到测验总分数.
  • 测验总分数 = 每项功能加起来
  • 测验总百分比 = (测验总分数) / (测验总满分) * 100%
// 每项功能
总分 = (满分) x (分数百分比)

// 测验总
测验总分数 = 每项功能加起来(功能项目总分)
测验总百分比 = (测验总分数) / (测验总满分) * 100%

首席工程师 (90-100%)

  • 完全无bug。
    • 全部功能都完成,没缺乏。
    • 全部edge case都完成。
  • UI/UX。
    • UI长得像完成的产品,跟市面上的产品一样。
    • 功能都非常容易用,不需看说明书。
    • 产品前端很漂亮,会是我们自己想用的。
    • Responsive Web Design
  • 程式代码品质。
    • 代码架构及风格都是很完美的范本。
    • 代码架构及风格适合当作*其他工程师跟随的范本。 **      代码容易读懂,维护。     * Functions及variables取名一致又清楚
  • 超越我们的技术
    • 我们没看过的很厉害的方式或技术

资深工程师 (70-90%)

  • 完全无bug。
    • 全部重要功能都完成。
    • 全部edge case都完成。
  • UI/UX。
    • UI长得像完成的产品,跟市面上的产品差不多。
    • 功能都非常容易用,不需看说明书。
    • 产品前端功能性齐全,用者不需特别去了解。
    • Responsive Web Design。
  • 程式代码品质。
    • 代码组织和风格有些地方不一致。
    • 代码不需是完美的例子,但品质够格给其他工程师当范本。
    • 代码容易读懂,维护。
    • Functions及variables取名一致又清楚

初级工程师 (40-70%)

  • 有些bug。
    • 功能性都有了,但还是有些bug。
    • 有些edge case缺乏。
  • UI/UX.
    • UI看起来功能性都有了,但上架之前还是需要修复一下。
    • 基本上功能都好用,但还是有些比较不易的地方。
  • 程式代码品质。
    • 代码的架构和风格还是有些不一致的地方。
    • 代码不适合当作范本。
    • 代码不容易读懂,维护。
    • Functions及variables取名没有一致或清楚。

实习生 (10-40%)

  • 很多bug。
    • 大部分功能还没完成或非常多bug。
    • 大部分edge case都没完成。
  • UI/UX。
    • 不清楚功能在做什么。
    • 不完整。
  • 程式代码品质。
    • 代码组织和风格有些地方不一致。
    • 代码不适合当作范本。
    • 代码不容易读懂,维护。
    • Functions及variables取名没有一致或清楚。

未完成 (0-10%)

  • 网页没上架。
  • 程式代码没上传上GitHub/GitLab。



测验总分数 职级与薪资
90+% 首席工程师
70-90% 资深工程师
40-70% 初级工程师
10-40% 实习生
0-10% 未完成



View Instructions View Sample Exam

How You Will Be Evaluated

  • Our exam is designed to be an accurate reflection of the type of work you will be doing at our fast growing, lean startup.
  • Your Engineer Level (E0-10) and therefore salary package will be decided by the completeness of your web app and the quality of your work.
    • The more functional features you are able to complete on our checklist, the higher your engineering/salary level.

We value:

  1. Speed. How quickly can you build a working app with a list of features?
  2. Code Quality. How easy is it for other engineers to maintain your app?

We will look at:

  1. Your live web app with features as described by the exam, hosted on your own computer.
    1. Functional and working. We value functional, working prototypes, so make sure your site is live and running before you move onto additional features. Before your exam date to save time, we recommend setting a blank single page site on your development machine accessible on the web.
    2. Quality over quantity. We would rather you focus on fewer features that are working and bug-free, rather than a bunch of broken, buggy features.
  2. Your code, hosted on Github. (This can serve as a portfolio for your future interviews and resume.)
  3. Your Git Commits
    1. We use git commit times on your Github/GitLab to check that all of your exam work was completed during your scheduled exam period.
    2. Your first commit should be at the start of your exam time. Your first commit should only be an almost blank, basic, starter code to get a webpage up and running, likley with some simple pre-built framework setup.
    3. You should commit every 30-minute, with a total around 5 commits overall.
    4. Your commits should show your progress in the 2.5hr. Your final commit should not contain all or most of your work.

Feature Rubric

  • Maximum Points is the maximum number of points each feature is worth.
    • This will be listed on the actual exam.
    • Correlated with the difficulty of the problem.
  • Score Percentage of feature based on submission quality.
    • For each feature, we will assign a score from 0% to 100%.
    • 0% is lowest possible score, 100% is highest possible score.
  • Total Points = (Maximum Points) x (Score Percentage)
    • We sum up the total points scored for each feature to get the Exam Total Points.
  • Exam Total Points = sum up points scored on all features
  • Exam Total Score = (Exam Total Points) / (Exam Maximum Points) * 100%
// Per Feature
Total Points = (Maximum Points) x (Score Percentage)

// Exam Total
Exam Total Points = Sum for all features(Total Points)
Exam Total Score = (Exam Total Points) / (Exam Maximum Points) * 100%

Lead Engineer (90-100%)

  • Zero bugs.
    • Complete features and options, nothing missing.
    • All edge cases taken into account.
  • UI/UX.
    • UI looks like a real finished, production-ready product, as good as a real competitor.
    • Intuitive and easy to use. We should have to ask you how to use a product.
    • Product looks beautiful, something we would love to use ourselves.
    • Responsive Web Design
  • Code Quality. Code organization and style is perfect example of quality code.
    • Code style and organization be used as ** example for other engineers to follow.**
    • Easier for other engineers to read, understand, and maintain.
    • Clear, consistent naming conventions for functions and variables.
  • Surprise Us.
    • Some new method or way of doing something that we didn’t know about before.

Senior Engineer (70-90%)

  • No major bugs.
    • All major functionality should be there.
    • All edge cases taken into account.
  • UI/UX.
    • UI looks like a functional, working production-ready product. Close in quality to a real, competitor product.
    • Intuitive and easy to use.
    • Product looks functional. Does not have to be beautiful, but user has to “get” how to use it.
    • Responsive Web Design.
  • Code Quality. Code organization and style has to be consistent and clean.
    • Does not have to be perfect example, but good enough for others to follow.
    • Easy for other engineers to read, understand, and maintain.
    • Clear, consistent naming conventions for functions and variables.

Junior Engineer (40-70%)

  • Some bugs.
    • All major functionality is there, but buggy.
    • Some edge cases missing.
  • UI/UX.
    • UI looks functional, but needs some work before production.
    • Generally easy to use, some leeway allowed.
  • Code Quality.
    • Code organization and sytle has inconsistencies.
    • Not good enough for others to follow.
    • Not easy to read, understand, or maintain.
    • Unclear, inconsistent naming conventions for functions and variables.

Intern Engineer (10-40%)

  • Lots of bugs.
    • Feature mostly incomplete or very buggy.
    • Most edge cases imcomplete.
  • UI/UX.
    • Unclear what the function is.
    • Incomplete.
  • Code Quality.
    • Code organization and sytle has inconsistencies.
    • Not good enough for others to follow.
    • Not easy to read, understand, or maintain.
    • Unclear, inconsistent naming conventions for functions and variables.

No Attempt (0-10%)

  • No working live website.
  • Nothing committed to GitHub.

Total Score Mapping to Engineer Level

Your Engineer Level (E0-10) and therefore salary package will be roughly be decided by this table, depending on where your score falls under.

Total Exam Score Hiring Engineer Level
90+% Lead Engineer
70-90% Senior Engineer
40-70% Junior Engineer
10-40% Intern Engineer
0-10% No Attempt

Example Calculations

See Example Calculations